An expert in the field


I recently found out that Nonfigureativephoto reviewed the Chemigrams selected for the Soho Photo Gallery Alternative Processes Competition. It’s great to get a review and when its from someone who is an expert in the field its even more rewarding.

Nonfigurativephoto blog is devoted to non-objective photography, especially photography created solely with light and chemicals.

Alternative Processes Competition – Update


Chemigram - The Grid

The above image is titled The Grid and was one of my images that was selected for the 2015 Soho Photo Gallery Alternative Processes Competition. The Competition was jured by Joni Sternbach,  a visiting artist at Cooper Union and a faculty member at both ICP and the Center for Alternative Photography in NYC where she teaches wet plate collodion. I few years ago I had the chance to hear Joni speak at Photoville, such a lovely person and talented artist.

Just gone live


I’m excited to announce that our Boosted campaign for the new album ‘Redaction’ has just gone live. This has been in the making for two and half years and now it is about to come a reality. The full project includes a CD and 16 page booklet with images. For more information and to support our project please visit



Soon to be released ……


Very excited that the music from my ‘Finding Time’ exhibition is going to be released. Jeff Henderson and Mark Lockett, who were part of the original recording, have produced a fantastic album.

We intend on organizing a campaign to release the album on vinyl. The campaign will ran during May/Jun with an expected launch date in July.

Keep on eye out for future posts about the campaign and how you can pre-purchase a copy of the album