There is something about traditional photographic processes that I find very satisfying. While compositing the image, developing the film and printing the image (in a ‘wet’ darkroom) there is the knowledge that you are following in the footsteps of the early pioneers of photography. Each step in the process provides moments of anticipation, perspiration and occasionally desperation. For the past few years on the last Sunday in April I have participated in Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (WPPD). Joining 3000+ people from approximately 70 countries in celebrating one of the earliest forms of photography. Renowned pinhole photographer David Tatnall describes pinhole photography as having a ‘mysterious beauty’. David should know as his images are in international collections and have been selected for nomination for the prestige Bowness Photography Award.
While considering this years submission the WPPD website it occurred to me that pinhole photography has many things similar to lessons in life.
- The bigger picture. A bit like the past, present and future the foreground, middle ground and background are all equal components of the pinhole image.
- You have the answers. Although it may seem a little out of focus the whole world is before you.
- Take time to smell the roses. Enjoy the scenery, as there is no lens to block your field of view.